Sheila Gregoire

gregoiresheilaFee Range: Flexible
Location: Ontario, Canada
Book Sheila Gregoire.

Sheila Wray Gregoire, a syndicated parenting columnist and speaker, connects with her audience through both humor and a deep understanding of the challenges that women face in our chaotic and fragmented lives. The author of four books, including How Big Is Your Umbrella?, with more on the way, she loves encouraging women to forget about the dust bunnies under their beds and keep their focus on Jesus!

She’s been called a comedian, but while her talks often open with people laughing, Sheila isn’t afraid to touch the deep things on the heart. Drawing on the experience she had losing a son, she connects with women’s deepest hurts, and shows how no matter what you’ve gone through, God can carry you. She has given this message in evangelistic outreaches, women’s retreats, and denominational conferences around North America. She also has a passion for family, and together with her husband Keith speaks at Family Life marriage conferences. You can usually find her in Belleville, Ontario, where she homeschools her two daughters and knits. Preferably simultaneously.


Attic Treasures (for general female audiences)

As Christians, we have a great treasure in a God who loves us and carries us. Often, though, we treat God like a precious antique–something to wrap up and place carefully in the attic, but not Someone who impacts our daily lives. This talk opens with a comedy montage on all the silly things women allow ourselves to worry about when we let our culture set our priorities, and ends with the challenge to let God out of the box, and permeate all of our lives.

Finding God’s Best–and Leaving the Merely Good in the Dust! (for general female audiences)
Are you running around all day, looking after everybody else, but in the process making yourself exhausted? Are you always busy, but feel like you never get anywhere? It’s probably because you do too many good things, and so have no time for the best! This highly practical and motivating talk will help women separate the good things they do from God’s best–and learn how to focus on God’s priorities even in the everyday tasks we do.

Honey, I Don’t Have a Headache Tonight: (for wives)
It’s 10 p.m. You want to start snoring. He wants to start snuggling. How do you break this impasse? A rip-roaring fun talk full of giggles and lots of great insight into this intimate area of our lives. Let’s get over our barriers to a great sex life, and learn how to let it be all that God intended it to be!

To Love, Honor and Vacuum (for moms)
Do you feel harried? Taken for granted? Like you’re running all the time but not getting anywhere? Learn how to make your home and your relationships reflect God’s priorities, and bring peace back to your home once again. A fun and humorous talk with a heavy emphasis on the practical!

Stop Doing Good Things–and Do the Best! (for mixed audiences, either secular or Christian)
You may spend your life doing lots of good things–and still feel like you’re walking in circles. It’s likely because, though your life may be full of good things, you’re missing out on the best. Find out how we can start saying no to things that get us off track and yes to things that make us truly happy and build strong families.

Retreat Packages:

Extreme Makeover: Heart Edition. As Christians, God may live inside of us, but that doesn’t mean He necessarily shines through! In this weekend, learn how to get over the obstacles that keep us from devoting ourselves wholly to Jesus, as we study Paul’s words in Philippians 3:4-14. We’ll learn what it means to really know Jesus, and we’ll work up to what it means to “forget what lies behind”–even forgetting the really tough stuff–so that we can “strain forward to what lies ahead”. That’s a makeover that’s truly beautiful!

Getting Rid of the Things That Plague You! A modern look at the ten plagues of Egypt and how they can be used as metaphors for the things that bother us modern women today. From the pesky things like frogs and flies, representing the small things that always tell us we’re never good enough, to the more harmful plagues of darkness, fear, and grief, we’ll walk through how God can rescue us from any plague once we make Him into our firm foundation.

Redeeming the Time
Do you feel too busy? Is your life characterized by chaos? In this retreat we’ll look at why we find it so hard to stay focused today and let our priorities shine. We’ll study how to stop doing the things that are merely good, and how to seek out God’s voice to listen to His unique calling on how to find our calling and our purpose.


“Thank you so much for speaking at Women at the Well! It was such a powerful weekend. Here’s some of the feedback we received: ‘Well-versed and inspiring’. ‘She explains things well so you can relate and understand them.’ ‘She laughs easily. Lovely charm!’
‘Vivacious and biblically gifted speaker and teacher.’ Thanks for being part of our weekend!”
Maggie Edington, Women at the Well Coordinator, after an “Extreme Makeover” retreat

“I just want to say thank you so much for coming out and speaking to the MOPS Moms group. I got such great feedback from the moms – there were lots of e-mails and phone calls about how we can support each others to be the best parent we can be – we meet this week and they want to discuss what they have learned and how they can put it into practice. Again, thanks and blessings!”
– Naiomi, MOPS leader in Ontario

“Your style of humor reminds me of Erma Bombeck. You both have the self-deprecating way of laughing at yourself and yet you come across as modest and easy to relate to.”
Lorrie Nelson, after a World Vision “Girls Night Out” event